Gfortran Mac Os

Gfortran mac download

  1. Gfortran Mac Download
  2. Gfortran Mac Os
  3. Fortran Mac Os X

This binary build of gfortran and GCC is an experimental version based on GCC 11, by Iain Sandoe, for Apple Silicon machines. This is an updated version of my previous experimental release. Two files are provided: gfortran-ARM-11.0-BigSur.tar.xz is an archive, to be unpacked under /usr/local; gfortran-ARM-11.0-BigSur.dmg is a user-friendly.

  • Mar 29, 2020 Mac OS X; NOTE: For older OS’es use older releases. There are releases for many OS version and platforms on the page. NOTE: There are also more recent nightly builds available in the forums or (for Ubuntu users) in the Ubuntu PPA repository. Please note that we consider nightly builds to be stable, usually.
  • GDB can run on most popular UNIX and Microsoft Windows variants, as well as on Mac OS X. What Languages does GDB Support? GDB supports the following languages (in alphabetical order).

If you are installing the library directly from the sources, the recommended way to do so is by using GNU Autotools.

Gfortran Mac Download

To install the library, just use the standard procedure:

Do not forget to replace PATH/TO/LIBXC by the some appropriate path on your file system and make sure that you have write permissions.

If you obtained the sources directly from the git repository, you will first need to generate configure by running


Support for building the sources using CMake has also been recently contributed by Lori Burns.

The CMake file has the following caveats

  • tested on Linux and Mac, static and shared lib, namespaced and non-namespaced headers, but really only to the extent that it works for Psi4
  • all the fancy libtool options and Fortran interface not tested
  • test suite executed after build via ctest. But it has always totally passed or totally failed, which doesn’t inspire confidence
  • The generated libxc_docs.txt is large, and the generation step sometimes balks on it, leading to xc_funcs.h not found errors. Just execute again.

Building with CMake

Use the following procedure:

The build is also responsive to

Gfortran Mac Os

  • static/shared toggle BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
  • install location CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
  • namespacing of headers NAMESPACE_INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR

See CMakeLists.txt for options details. All these build options should be passed as cmake -DOPTION.

Detecting with CMake

CMake builds install with LibxcConfig.cmake, LibxcConfigVersion.cmake, and LibxcTargets.cmake files suitable for use with CMake find_package() in CONFIG mode.

  • find_package(Libxc) - find any xc libraries and headers
  • find_package(Libxc 3.0.0 EXACT CONFIG REQUIRED COMPONENTS static) - find Libxc exactly version 3.0.0 built with static libraries or die trying

See cmake/ for details of how to detect the Config file and what CMake variables and targets are exported to your project.

Use with CMake

After find_package(Libxc ...),

  • test if package found with if(${Libxc_FOUND}) or if(TARGET Libxc::xc)
  • link to library (establishes dependency), including header and definitions configuration with target_link_libraries(mytarget Libxc::xc)
  • include header files using target_include_directories(mytarget PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:Libxc::xc,INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES>)
  • compile target applying -DUSING_Libxc definition using target_compile_definitions(mytarget PRIVATE $<TARGET_PROPERTY:Libxc::xc,INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS>)

Python Library

Optional Python bindings are available through the cytpes module. To installinto Python site-packages plese run:

or, to install locally for development:

The Python bindings require the CMake compilation pathway and the PythonNumerical Python library. A short usage example is provided below:

Libxc is now available in Fedora. To compile against Libxc one just needs to install the development package with

If the Libxc Fortran module file is needed, one needs to add ‘-I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules’ or ‘-I/usr/lib/gfortran/modules’ (on 32-bit systems) to the compiler arguments.

Libxc was added to this Ubuntu repository for easier installation. To add this repository to Ubuntu, all one has to do is type-in:

Now Libxc can be installed via the Ubuntu software centre and will receive automatic updates.

Fortran Mac Os X

Libxc for Mac OSX is available from the Homebrew package manager. After Homebrew installation one types in:

Libxc was also added to the macports repository for easier installation on Mac OS X. After installing macports the user can type in:

Again the user will receive automatic updates. Note: installation time takes very long because gfortran needs to be built first.

Gfortran Mac Os


With the installation of a PDP 11/70 minicomputer in 1981for use in seismic network analysis, a persistent effort was madeto use that tool for research. Because of the uniqueness of a dedicated minicimputer for research at that time as well as a desire to do something for the worldwide seismological community, a set of documented computer programs emerged. Theprograms developed actually reflect research interests of thedepartment as well as a desire to look at data in the manner of otherinvestigators. In doing so, the hope is that these tools will permitresearch to progress rapidly.

This programming effort led to the development of COMPUTER PROGRAMS IN SEISMOLOGY which continues to be distributed.The package containsits own graphics package, and is relatively easy to install.

  • Version 2.0 emphasized the development of algorithms.
  • Version 3.0 (NEW) emphasizes ease of use. Version 3.30 is the latest release.

Computer Programs in Seismology

These programs focus on the understanding and interpretation of seismicwave propagation in the crust and upper mantle of the Earth. Syntheticseismograph code is provided for sources and receivers at arbitrarypositions in the plane layered media. Programs are provided fordetermination of crustal structure through the inversion ofsurface-wave dispersion and teleseismic P-wave receiver functions.Inversion of broadband recordings of regional earthquakes for sourcedepth, focal mechanism and seismic moment is also provided. Finally, anew tool, gsac, is provided topermit interactive and script based manipulation of seismic traces. Theentire package is well integrated in that the same Earth velocitymodel, waveform and graphics formats are used by all programs. Acomplete interactive graphics package is also provided.

Since this package of programs continues to develop and berefined to keep current with increasing volumes of digitalmight wish to return to this page every few months.

  • Current Version 3.30 is dated October 20, 2020 (NP330.Oct-29-2020.tgz )
  • Simple description of programs in package as of May 8, 2016 Read this to determine of the programs will be of interest to you.
  • PDF Documentation . View this todetermine if the package has what you desire.
  • UPDATES. (Last changed October 29, 2020)A description ofmodifications and dates so that you can maintain a currentversion of the package.
  • TUTORIALwith data sets . (Last changed September 15, 2020) Tutorials on the use of Computer Programs in Seismology withdata sets.
  • User Questions and Answers . (Last changed October 30, 2018) User questions and answers


The reference to this set of codes is as follows:

Herrmann, R. B. (2013) Computer programs in seismology: An evolving tool for instruction and research, Seism. Res. Lettr.84, 1081-1088, doi:10.1785/0220110096


The present code requires the use of the gcc/gfortran compilers that are available for all platforms. Interactive graphics requires X11 graphics.

PC VersionsCurrently support for PC's running windows requires the CYGWINenvironment ( source codes and installationprocedure are the sameas for the UNIX/LINUX/OSX versions.

UNIX/LINUX/OSXVersionsSource codes and install scripts are available. C and FORTRAN compilersare required - gcc and gfortran are available for free. Programs aredistributed as gzip'd tar files (.tgz). Documentation inPostScript is provided.

Ubuntu Linux

You can use the program download page, or open a terminal window and enter the following commands:

the following programs are useful:

RHEL 6.3 Linux, CENTOS (perhaps Fedora)

You can use the Add/Remove Softare tab, or open a terminal window and enter the following commands:

the following programs are useful:

OpenSUSE 13.1

Applications -> SystemLizard Button -> Computer -> Install/Remove Softares, or invoke /sbin/YaST2 directly

LINUX distribution under VirtualBox

This document shows how to install VirtualBox on your Windows, Mac or Linux system, and then install a version of LINUX with required compilers, and finally Computer Programs in Seismology.CPS_VirtualBoxInstall.pdf. The advantage of this approach is that the computer disk does not have to be partitioned in the presence of a Windows operating system, and that all compilers are easily obtained.



Note The current version of the MacOS is much newer than these steps, You may have to carefully adjust the commands accordingly.

  1. Determine the version of the operating system: Top menu bar AppleLogo -> About This Mac will give the version, e.g., OSX Version 10.9.4 It also gives processor.
  2. Determine whether the CPU is 64 or 32 bit: In a terminal window, enter uname -a. Mine gives
    Darwin quake 15.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.5.0: Tue Apr 19 18:36:36 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.50.21~8/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64
    the x86_64 indicates a 64 bit processor. If you see i386/i586 it is 32 bot.
  3. Install xcode on your Mac, since you will need command line tools. Click on AppStore and then search for Xcode. You will need your password to download from the Apple Store.
    When Xcode in installed, the Icon in AppStore will now exhibit 'Open', so open it and Agree (password again).
  4. Install Xquartz to get X11 graphic support. You can get this at . This will also set up the links required to compile X11 programs.
  5. Install MacPorts Select the version for your operating system, e.g. if running El Capitan, OS X 10.11 El Capitan
    Clicking on the install will place a package in your downloads. Just click, icons will appear, and then click on the MacPorts...pkg icon. Answer the questions and enter your password.
    MacPorts gives libraries and LINUX like tools that will be useful for productivity. I have bzip2, gawk, ghostscript, gv, ImageMagick, ncurses, xfig and xv among others: or perhaps,

    See what you have by doing an ls /opt/local/bin. To determine if these are in your PATH, just enter on a terminal command line which gv and you will see the following output /opt/local/bin/gv

  6. Install the gcc compilers. There are two options:
    • . Read the instructions in the first paragraph under the heading GCC 4, 5, 6 (auto-vectorizing with OpenMP).
      Download the gcc distribution which includes the gfortran. You will need both. For example, if running El Capitan, click on gcc-6.1-bin.tar.gz updated May 2016 (El Capitan). for my version of MacOS. This will also provide gfortran. Then in Downloads, gunzip gcc-6.1-bin.tar.gz ; sudo tar xvf - gcc-6.1-bin.tar -C /
    • Using MacPorts
    • ( the mp-6 means MacPosts gcc6 was installed. This how MacPorts keeps distinguishes the different versions)

  7. Define the correct PATH so that the shell can find the sources. Carefully edit the .profile in your login directory to add lines such as

    You will see that MacPorts has already changed the .profile by adding the lines

    # MacPorts Installer addition on 2016-05-19_at_10:51:18: adding an appropriate PATH variable for use with MacPorts.
    export PATH='/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:$PATH'
    # Finished adapting your PATH environment variable for use with MacPorts.


to the package, please Email

You can find more information about the Center, seismology, and many otherearthquake-related topics by visiting the Center's homepage,or by contacting Dr. RobertHerrmann.